As an extra security measure, we do not personally store your credit card details. We use Sage Pay as our 'gateway' to acquire your card details and their security system is of the highest order, complying with all Data Protection legislation and Banking PCIDSS requirements to safeguard the security of your details.
However, If you choose not to purchase online, there are a number of other options:
Drop us a line to discuss your order. At some point we will need to take your credit card details, and generally do this over the phone.
Customer Account:
To open up an account, just click on the 'Login' link and follow the instructions. Once you have created an account it is easy to place orders and see your order history. You must be logged in first to place an order so this is stored in your history. Unless you prefer to there is no need to log off as this will be automatic upon completion of your order.
We are a busy store, please be patient and be prepared for occasional delays in dealing with your enquiry. (Just to say: we know of no documented cases of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the internet and it is for the ease and speed of receiving orders that we encourage online purchasing. It also creates a paper trail for our mutual benefit.
We store the following information about you when you place an order:
When you place orders we offer the use of a secure server. The secure server software uses 128-bit encryption, which is the highest level possible before it is sent to us. From then on we follow standard security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information you have given us to prevent unauthorised access. We do not use or sell this information for any purpose other than that related to your order. After a suitable time we shred all paperwork. With Neweratissuesalt.co.uk, you will not receive unsolicited mail from other companies.
We are in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation of EU law of May 2018 with regards to data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. This regulation replaces Data Protection Acts of previous years.