The New Era Company and Brand name.
In the late 19th century mineral cell salts were identified by a biochemist, Wilhelm Schuessler, as nutrients essential for our health and well being. Dietary deficiencies, or imbalances of one or more of these salts could, just like vitamins, therefore affect the maintenance of our normal good health
As part of what could be considered an early and unique form of nutritional supplementation, one remedial theory was that tablets containing tiny doses of these mineral cell, or tissue salt nutrients could address cell level imbalances. An American Physician, August Luyties developed an original fast dissolving tiny tablet to provide these nutrients in a unique assimilable form that could be safely taken in multiple doses. In the late 1800’s his family business Luyties Pharmacal began the first commercial manufacturing, of these and. in 1923 the New Era Treatment Co of London, imported the first such product into the UK with the introduction of the Elasto Brand.
The Original Range of Tissue Salts
The full range of 12 Single Mineral Cell salts was subsequently successfully launched in 1927. These were followed by a number of ready mixed Combination Salts designed to meet specific consumer needs as an alternative to making their own mixture of single Tissue Salts. Over the following decades New Era’s popularity grew in not only pharmacy and health food stores at home and but also in many markets around the World too. However unlike compressed hard tablets New Era’s ‘FastMelts’ take over 30 hours to manufacture and so their cost is high by comparison Their uniqueness was to affect their future as the Brand’s owners found it increasingly difficult to make them profitably . It’s ongoing viability was in doubt and from around 2006 its owners withdrew investment and later put the Company up for sale.
The Brand Sold to Italian Company
In 2013 an Italian Company which had an established and successful home market for their own new and improved tissue salt version of the New Era range, acquired the Company and Brand. However because of the Brands low UK and Irish pricing, the new owners put no export plan in place to maintain the business here, and so despite its’ history the New Era Company and Brand name disappeared from the UK and Irish health store and pharmacy shelves. Nevertheless after lobbying by trade and consumers alike, the Brand is now back with a range of new mineral tissue salt ‘plus’ products, based on the unique New Era ‘FastMelt’ dose form.
New ‘FastMelt’ Tablet Range launch
They are still prepared using the established method of finely grinding and diluting mineral ingredients to tiny particles, a process known as trituration. During this mixing process Biotin is added. Then the final powder is extruded and baked to produce the unique ‘FastMelt’, dissolve on or under the tongue tablets, for which New Era is so understandably famous. The nutrients in New Era’s Mineral Cell Tissue Salt tablets dissolve, in the mouth, on or under the tongue, to promote the rapid absorption of the ingredients into our body cells in a way that ordinary hard compressed salts tablets cannot be expected to achieve.
The Benefits of the New Era Range
The new New Era ‘FastMelt’ Mineral Tissue Cell Salt and Biotin range of health food supplement products comes in two types Single Salts with Biotin, and Combination Salts with Biotin. Each variant contains its own particular formula and is supplied in a distinctive style of screw top non-spill packaging. These products can provide a valuable nutritional supplement contribution to normal good health maintenance. They have a whole range of specific health benefits related to them including, the normal healthy function of the mucous membranes, the nervous system, the skin, hair, and the body’s metabolism or digestive system as a whole. The New Era Brand is now set to enter a new phase of healthy life.
- History
- The Original Range of Tissue Salts
- The Brand Sold to Italian Company
- New ‘FastMelt’ Tablet Range launch
- The Benefits of the New Era Range